Clan Forbes Society
Genealogy: Discovering Your Roots

We all have families that shape who we are. Genealogy is looking beyond our immediate family in order to discover what has affected us, where we came from, and how we are all connected. Clan Forbes Society, Inc., encourages you to start researching your genealogy, sharing your ancestors with others to find new family members, and discover the amazing cultural heritage that links us to Scotland.
Major Branches of the House of Forbes
Clan Historian Alexander Forbes of Druminnor Castle (the original Castle Forbes) highlights the seven major branches of the House of Forbes and notable cadet (sub-families) during the Clan Forbes gathering in March 2021. He notes the specific history and characteristics of the lines of the Lords Forbes, Corsindae and Monymusk, Corse and Craigievar, Pitsligo and Newe, Tolquhon and Culloden, and Brux and Towie. Learn more here.
House of Forbes (Members Only)
This family history and genealogical data about the Forbes family of Scotland from about 1305 A.D. to the present utilizes research accumulations of past genealogists as well as critical analysis. The 1937 edition published by the Third Spaulding Club was researched and edited by Alistair and Henrietta Tayler. Pedigree charts of 30 of the Forbes families of Scotland are included, and 16 of these are discussed in the text. This resource is available to Members Only: See more here.
Genealogy Research. Here's a quick guide to starting your own genealogy research from FamilySearch.org. However, if you get too frustrated you can always find a professional at the Association of Professional Genealogists.
Tracing Your Lineage with Ancestry.com. Many services can assist you in organizing your genealogical research, such as FamilySearch and MyHeritage. However, the Clan Forbes Society has chosen to use Ancestry.com for recording its many family trees. Ancestry has the most records of any other site (17 billion), is extremely easy to use, has a mobile app, and has a companion program for updating information offline (Family Tree Maker, by Mackiev.) Learn more here.
DNA Testing. Are you considering getting a DNA Test? Perhaps you’ve seen the TV commercials. Possibly you’ve hit a brick wall in researching your genealogy. Or maybe you’re just curious. For whatever reason, a DNA test is a good way to learn more about yourself and your heritage
How to Hire a Professional Genealogist. Even after all your best efforts, you may not be able to track your lineage to your satisfaction. That's when you need to bring in professional. The Association of Professional Genealogists provides an excellent guide on how to find and hire a professional.
Aberdeen Family History Society. This Scottish genealogy society offers genealogy resources, publications, and research services.
Forbes Emigration to Colonial America. Learn about the reasons why Scots emigrated, discover where they went, and check the list of all known Forbes immigrants to Colonial America.
Forbes Down Under: The House of Forbes has made an impact all over the world, from their native land of Scotland, to Ireland, to the Scandinavian countries, to the Americas, and even to “down under” in Australia and New Zealand. Learn more here.
Scottish Resources for Tracing Your Ancestors. You can research your genealogy with many Scottish resources listed in publications, online databases, and through in-person research.