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Keig Old Kirk Restoration Project Launched

The Clan Forbes Society has announced the launch of a restoration project for the Keig Old Kirk on the Castle Forbes estate in Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The Society will be soliciting contributions from its members to cover the estimated $10,000 in costs for repairing cracks in the stone structure, scrape and cover internal floor, and trim the external graveyard area.

The Keig Old Kirk is now a roofless ruin but once served a parish that included the tenants and staff of Castle Forbes. The Keig Old Kirk was built in about 1638. Rather than using a bellcote, the church hung its bell from a nearby tree. The church closed in 1835 with the completion of a new church in the village of Keig. The baptismal fount was moved to the courtyard of Castle Forbes. The old kirkyard is still the resting place for some of the clan chiefs, including James, 15th Lord Forbes; James, 16th Lord Forbes; Horace Courtenay, 19th Lord Forbes; Atholl Monson, 20th Lord Forbes; and Atholl Lawrence Cunyngham, 21st Lord Forbes.

“The Keig Old Kirk is an important heritage site for all members of Clan Forbes,” notes Society President Bart Forbes. “Raising funds to preserve the kirk and kirkyard will not only maintain this site for the future but demonstrate the clan’s deep appreciation for the generosity and hospitality of Malcolm and Jinny, Lord and Lady Forbes.”

Over the years, Lord and Lady Forbes have welcomed hundreds of members of the clan to their home at Castle Forbes. Most recently, they hosted 26 members of the Clan Forbes Tour in August 2022.

The Society is requesting at least five generous donors to give $1,000 each; eight to give $500; ten to provide $100; and as many as possible donate whatever you can afford! Contributions of $500 ore more will be listed below. Pledges may be paid on a monthly basis.

The Society will provide the full $10,000 this summer. Any funds in excess of this amount will be restricted to other restoration projects at Castle Forbes or at other House of Forbes heritage sites. If you wish to make a pledge, please contact Society president Bart Forbes at


Donations of $1,000:

  1. Bart Forbes and Tony Uribe, Texas, USA

  2. Ned Edelen, Jr., Maryland, USA

Donations of $500:

  1. Joshua Fordyce, Georgia, USA

Donations of $250:

  1. Ron Pearson, Virginia, USA

Donations of $200:

  1. Michael Brett-Surman. Virginia, USA

Donations of $100:

  1. Douglas Forbes, California, USA

  2. Janet Forbes, Florida, USA

  3. William Forbes, Texas, USA

  4. James Forbes, Indiana, USA


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