Clan Forbes Society
Become a Volunteer!
Can you devote just an hour a month to the Clan Forbes Society? Perhaps you can share your expertise. Or you can explore an new area. Or learn a new skill!
Do you have basic office skills with MS Excel, MS Word, MS Outlook, Adobe Acrobat, and some comfort with online services such as PayPal and website hosting services. Or you may be willing to learn!
Are you a good online researcher? Interested in genealogy? Do you or a family member enjoy creating graphics, such as with PhotoShop? Are you handy with websites -- or want to learn? Are you or a family member a Social Media Influencer -- or want to become one?
We have many opportunities for young people to learn new skills and build a resume.
Here are some ideas:
Convener: Conveners sponsor and host tents at various Highland Games and Scottish Festivals around the world. This is an effective and enjoyable way to meet people interested in Scottish culture, provide education on the importance of the House of Forbes, encourage membership in the Clan Forbes Society, and make life-long friends! Your tent can be simply a pop-up canopy with a card table and chairs – or a major display and hospitality suite. The choice is yours! Learn more by downloading the Clan Forbes Society Conveners Guide and contacting Vice President for Conveners Joshua Fordyce.
Membership: Generate Membership Certificates every month (usually about 25) using MS word and Adobe Acrobat. We'll teach you how! Or you can respond to member inquiries, update online records, and approve access to the Members Section of the website.
Social Media: Write posts and create videos! We provide all the research and you apply your creativity.
Financial Accounts: Track all our expenses and revenues every month and then compile the monthly financial report in MS Excel. You can see the examples in the monthly reports on the Society Business page at https://www.clan-forbes.org/society-business
Newsletter: Every month, you’ll compile a MS Word version of the newsletter from the weekly Facebook postings, latest new and renewing members, and updated games schedule. You’ll then create the e-mail version on the Wix website and send out to all the Affiliate and Active Members on the on-line e-mail list.
Researcher: You’ll conduct historical research on the Internet and through our online Reference Library (see https://www.clan-forbes.org/library) of over 80 books for reference to members of the House of Forbes. You’ll cross-check the validity of the information and create the citations. You’ll write articles and biographies for publication on the Clan Forbes Society and for possible inclusion in the upcoming book House of Forbes: History and Heritage.
Secretary: Take notes at Board meetings and publish on the website.
What else do you want to do? Let us know!
Many of these jobs have related instructional videos and you’ll receive live Zoom coaching. Interested and want to discuss? Contact Bart at president@clan-forbes.org.